Mega Pictures Manual




HTML Export Example

Plase visit my Example Picture Database.

Note: This pages has a Japanese Monthly names, because it was created in Japanese environment. Names of Month and DayOfWeeks are depending you PC internationnal setting.

Top Menu

Picture Click

Bottom Menu (File)

Bottom Menu (Keywords)

Bottom Menu (Manage)

About "category"

For manage keywords, you can set a category to any keywords.

For example, Monday is category "DayOfWeek".

You can create or remove any category, and you can add or remove keywords from category

About keyword "alias"

Alias is a simple alias of keyword. If you create keyword "New York", and add a alias "NY", you can search both of "New York" and "NY". They are a one keyword. In this case, "NY" is a another name of "New York", not a new keyword.

About "assumed keyword"

Assumed keyword is auto keyword for a keyword to another. For example, If You create the keywords "Tokyo" and "Japan", you may want to "All 'Tokyo' pictures must be 'Japan' picture". In this case, you can set to "Tokyo" assumed keyword "Japan". If you don't set to pictures keyword "Japan", you can search by "Japan" for these pictures. Because they has a keyword "Tokyo" and "Tokyo" has a assumed keyword "Japan".